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Emergency 2014 Download Windows 7 Free


About This Game You have command of paramedics, fire brigades, police and disaster relief. Send your teams out on tense real-time missions to deal with disasters in Europe's major centres. In the series' most absorbing game yet, you will extinguish major fires, track down buried victims and save whole cities with their populations and landmarks. Develop your own strategy and remain in control of the situation at all times on sandbox maps. There are four new single player missions where meteorite strikes threaten the population. It is 1890. Asteroid Caligula passes the Earth’s orbit, coming so close to the planet that fragments breaking off it (meteorites) impact the Earth. A farmstead is struck and destroyed by a meteorite in the Rhine province of the German Empire. The conflagration threatens to spread to nearby towns. In this unique historical mission, the player takes charge of historical units (a pumper and firefighters) to get the situation back under control.About 100 years later, Caligula is approaching the Earth again. Only this time, it is on a direct collision course with our blue planet. Once again, its coming is heralded by meteorite impacts. The player with his forces and vehicles attempts to contain the local disasters and protect the civilians at three different locations, including the city of Pisa, in which the famous leaning tower is destroyed in a spectacular meteorite strike.Emergency 2014 includes the entire content of Emergency 2013 and Emergency 2012 DELUXE, and adds countless eventful hours of gameplay, new spectacular videos and new units such as fire helicopters and the historical horse-drawn pumper to the popular series.Protect! Rescue! Salvage! – Be where you are needed most!Key FeaturesThe ultimate collection of the popular simulation series, including new content for additional hours of fun!Includes the entire content of Emergency 2013 and Emergency 2012 DELUXE, and adds new units such as fire helicopters to the popular series4 new missions where Earth is threatened by meteorite strikes, including Pisa and a historical bonus mission with horse-drawn pumperMore than 20 missions and additional sandbox maps as well as unpredictable events 7aa9394dea Title: Emergency 2014Genre: SimulationDeveloper:Sixteen Tons EntertainmentPublisher:Sixteen Tons EntertainmentFranchise:EMERGENCYRelease Date: 15 Nov, 2013 Emergency 2014 Download Windows 7 Free At first I thought I'd never have the desire to play it again after I tried to finish some missions in campaign mode since it was to much all at once without even tried the game before, no learning what the units can and can't do. Then I realised the true charm of this game is in the Freeplay Endless mode! I love that you can make more money and buy more units, but there is one really really big flaw in this mode... it does NOT have save game, which means you have to start over every time you want to do something else or leave your game on until you want to play more from where you were... the problem with no save is that you don't always have the time to earn enough money to afford the more expensive units like a mobile Intencive Care Unit for larger accidents. It probably has to do with that the game mode is a high score mode, however, I personally rather really play endlessly saving and loading on my own misfortunate town then caring for a high score.With that said I find myself coming back for new games every day on endless mode and enjoy it very much!. While this is a deep and well-built emergency sim, it has too many fatal flaws for me to recommend it. You are regularly given far fewer personnel than you need to deal with the rapidly escalating threats. The map is almost pointless, being tiny and difficult to orientate. The announcer will call out that something else has happened but only rarely will the game show you where this is. The tutorial also ommits key information that is necessary for future missions. You'll be told to 'use the ladder' and 'set a roadblock' in a split second without knowing how to do this. When you have 3 doctors and ambulances to deal with around 7 fire casualties and 11 sickness casualties, very little indication on how to evacuate buildings, rescue suvivours and deal with at least 3 things at once, it's not much fun. The difficulty reaches extraordinatary levels very quickly and it becomes a stress management game, not an emergency response management game. Better controls, a clearer tutorial and a little more leeway would've made all the difference.It's likely I'll come back to the game and may persevere to learn it's unexplained complexities but the fact remains that within an hour of purchase I'm already frustrated and confused.. Emergency 2014 is a great game that holds the content from Emergency 2012, 2013 and new content for 2014. While the 2014 content is just new campaign missions, they are pretty cool.For those new to the Emergency series, the game has you running the role of a dispatcher, dispatching fire, EMS, police and engineering classed vehicles to various emergency situations, such as heart attacks, fires, prison breakouts, or broken railway crossing sites.Many bugs in the 2013 and 2012 content have been fixed in this release, which increases the playability of the game.. ENG:Very fine strategy game, testimonial! C:FIN:Ihan hyv\u00e4 strategia peli, suositteluni! C:. This game is no longer supported by the publisher. Even though I still play this until it crashes often, it is really not sellable to the public in its current state. If you buy games often then you can scribble with this one, but I wouldint recommend it. Whatever you spend on this, assume it will be burned away.This is a DO NOT BUY at over $5.DO NOTpurchase under the following circumstances:You have an MSI video card.You are running windows 8 or 8.1.. Only for the patient few. You have to be pretty fascinated with emergencies to be overbearing, luckuly I am for one. Othierwise you get piled up by frustrations build into most aspects of the game. On the plus side, you get three games in one (EM 2012-2013 and 2014). As a package the price is ok, but do wait for a sale. Prices have been \u20ac5-10, for which it would be an extremely good game.I like this game a lot, and it has improved much since Emergency 4. Which means it is playable. For 2014 it is simply not good enough. There are things EM could have learned from even the earliest command and counquer games about unit control, which would improve the game a lot. It is lagging, hard to control, lacks hotkeys (to the best of my knowledge) and had issues with crashes. Basically I wonder if the developers forgot to test the game. Especially since it is uninstructive and without any levels, e.g. easy-hard for campaigns. Because of lagging and other issues I also miss a half speed, or any other way of cleaning up during challenges.Being an EM geek, former firefighter and all I enjoy the game, but. Ever wanted to run a dispatch for emergency services? Nows your chance! Complete sceanarios and sandbox.Pros+Missions have variety and are challenging+Sandbox is where the game really shines, you have everything at your disposal - but also every disaster. Use points collected from sceanario victories to get more equipment.Cons-dated graphics-must control every unit, gets tedious-pathing for units needs work... ai could could also use some lovetl;dr - good game. feels dated in some respects, but still a unique challenge. excellent steam sale buy - but maybe not for $30.. Apart from the minor glitch while rotating the camera view, this game is very fun! I have hooked on to this game since the day I bought it. There are very few games that will get me addicted but this game is an exception. This game has realistic units and different types of emergency vehicles at your disposal! A great game to have in my opinion..... Aparently, according to the developer this game is not intended to run on windows 8 operating system and they have no intention of making this game compatible with that. I recommend saving your money and spend it elsewhere.



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